Monday, September 15, 2008

Is fall coming?

Well, I have consulted with the Weather Channel and they are showing that after today we will be in the upper 70's for the rest of the week. Yippie! This 90 degree weather is getting old. I am ready for some fall atmosphere and fun fall things to do. We are planning a trip to the zoo (waiting until its cooler so the animals are out), I'd like to go to Tweetsie Railroad, and a corn maze with the girls. Jim and I like to attend haunted houses also. So as you can see, I am ready for me some fall weather ;)


Bethann said...

Me too! Now that we are in PA it's easier to get in the Fall spirit. Just think, next week is Applefest!!! I'm so excited I could pee my pants!

I might try to take the boys to the zoo here one day too. great minds think alike.

Janks-Smith said...

Ok... I don't wanna have to give it to you straight... But it's over 100 degrees here in AZ. Its Oct. 3rd and it was 101 today!!! I'm a large preggo lady with a toddler trying to keep her wits about her... This isn't helping ...UGH So 90.schmindy... I don't want to hear it :) Its supposed to cool off this weekend at be like in the 80's hopefully it will stay that way...

Applefest.. you guys are goin' to make me cry :(