Monday, July 28, 2008

So, about this job thing....

I have worked for two weeks now, and it is at times boring and brainless work. (I am actually here right now, and have nothing to do at the moment.) I have to keep in mind though that I have a job. I was formerly at home whining about the fact that I didn't have a job, and now I am doing the opposite. The hardest part is putting the girls in "summer camp" and not being home with them. They are both doing well, and had a really good week last week. I hope that this week will be good as well. (Last week was a fun week for everyone--Vacation Bible School as well as camp.) Keep your fingers crossed that all goes well for my girls, they are what matter most!

1 comment:

Bethann said...

So I like the new "wallpaper" Maybe I should rennovate my blog?

Again, you are getting paid to do nothing. . . not such a bad thing. I know, the house is falling apart and you're worried about the girls, but it's a job. Easier to find another one while you have one. . .don't I know it.